Journey to Beyond Wellness

Our roots are deeply personal shaped by our own experiences.

I am Jenny O’Brien, Founder of Beyond Wellness. After a 25 year career in the Corporate and Government world was looking down the barrel of intense burnout and a family crisis that brought me to the Barossa. Here I embraced the role of carer for my beautiful great niece, reshaping my understanding of wellness and the importance of nurturing the human spirit through connection and care.

Beyond Wellness: A Philosophy Born from Real-Life Challenges

Beyond Wellness was born from my desire to create experiences and programs to inspire and support every person in discovering and embracing their own definition of wellness. We know that what resonates with one person may not suit another, and that's perfectly okay. Our philosophy extends beyond traditional wellness paradigms, focusing on holistic health and meeting people where they are. We recognise that wellness is a personal journey that evolves with life's seasons, tailored to individual needs.

Our journey is guided by our values

  • Selfcare

    We believe in the transformative power of selfcare as the bedrock of wellness. Prioritise your wellbeing, granting yourself the time and space for personal growth and rejuvenation. In acknowledging life's diverse seasons, each with its unique challenges and opportunities, we embrace the ebb and flow of life. We stand beside you, offering guidance towards discovering purpose and fostering meaningful connection with yourself aod others.

  • Impact

    Our commitment to impact extends far beyond the individual. We aspire to create ripples of positive change in our community. By meeting you where you are and fostering a culture of wellbeing and connection, we aim to make a meaningful difference, one person at a time.

  • Connection

    At the heart of our ethos lies a deep appreciation for the connections that wellness fosters - within ourselves, with others, and with the world around us. We celebrate these bonds, recognising their profound impact on our wellbeing. We meet you where you are, creating spaces for authentic interactions and shared experiences.

  • Abundance

    Within the fabric of our community beats the rhythm of abundance—a belief that we are enough, and there is plenty for all. Embracing this abundance, we know the wealth in connection, the richness in selfcare, and the boundless potential within ourselves. We cultivate a community where generosity, gratitude, and shared success flourish, enriching every step of our journey. This sense of abundance guides us to support and lift each other up, fostering a community where generosity, gratitude, and shared success flourish.

‘Beyond Wellness is my vision—a space where every individual is empowered to embark on their unique journey towards wellbeing. It's born from my desire to inspire and support each person in discovering and embracing their own definition of wellness. Understanding that wellness is deeply personal and evolves with life's seasons, we fuel our journey with self-care, enabling us to create impact, foster connections, and embrace abundance. Together, we cultivate a community where generosity, gratitude, and shared success flourish’.- Jenny

Broadening Our Reach

Our journey is a story of evolution and expansion, from the local roots of Barossa Wellness to the broader, more inclusive vision of Beyond Wellness. This evolution reflects our commitment to inclusivity and diversity in wellness, allowing us to touch more lives.

We have been shaped by the invaluable partnerships and collaborations we've had since our inception.  The collective strength of our community, comprising community, partners, collaborators, and friends, has been the cornerstone of our evolution. This powerful alliance continues to drive our innovation and strengthens our commitment to transforming the wellness landscape.

We are grateful to every individual, partner, and practitioner who has joined us on this journey. At Beyond Wellness, we recommit to our mission with renewed vigour and expanded capabilities, ready to meet the wellness needs of today and tomorrow.

Join us as we continue to redefine wellness, making it more inclusive, personal, and boundlessly inspiring.

Our Partners & Associates

Jenny’s Love of Learning

  • Masters Business Administration- Melbourne Business School

  • Innovation Disruption- Harvard Business School

  • Creating Shared Value: Economic Success and Social Impact- Harvard Business School

  • Diploma Health & Wellness Coaching- Wellness Coaches Australia

  • Certified Results Coach with Authentic Education

  • Dare to Lead™ Trained

  • Certificate of Public Participation- International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Australasia

  • Certificates in Understanding Stress

  • Intuitive Meditation Teacher

  • Forest Therapy Foundation Course- International Nature and Forest Therapy Alliance (INFTA)

Embark on Your Wellness Journey